Love for Humanity is our commitment to harnessing a movement of communal at-one-ment- where the majority of us can all agree on one thing- a world where any child can walk from any place in the world to any other place in the world and be safe, welcome, celebrated.
When and as we stand in a reclamation, remembrance and becoming of our sovereign divinity and then gather with our human family in an aligned flow of sacred intention, as we aspire to see through eyes of love, a visionary love, as we become adept at the dance of relationship- at positioning ourselves at the just right proximity that allows us to love the most, we dream a new world awake.
Clarifying, determining that dream- and committing our thoughts, our feelings, our InnerVerse to it is an act of awakening.
Our lives before us are the result of everything we think, feel, say and do.
I was well into my 40’s when I understood that the memories that flooded and hijacked my present moment- commonly referred to as PTSD- were actually summoning me to my own liberation- calling me to an embodied realization.
I developed a new rapport within- with my InnerVerse- I said to the memories as they thawed to liquid possibility, new energetic potential, out of the iceberg of shock and terror, I said, “Everything is different now. Let me show you how.” And as I chose a precision of focus, summoning states of bliss and flow, I gave myself the greatest gift of a new reality, a new life, a new world, a rebirth.
I saw and I see evidence that this empowered act of imagination, precision of focus, greater intelligence, sublime emotions that there are no words for saved me.
My life began to arise before me in a reflection of awe.
One person has the power to transform the field and as Napoleon Hill said, “First comes thought. The beginning as you will observe, is in the imagination”, then what’s possible or what isn’t possible when we harness the divine power of the collective mind?
“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the music of the cosmos, we are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments, and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.” – Albert Einstein
Unity consciousness is not a trite, elusive notion. Unity consciousness is a weapon of mass ascension and mass creation.
By virtue of unity consciousness we have the power to dissolve the pathologies that cause elected officials to lie, bully and gaslight. By virtue of unity consciousness we have the power to dissolve crimes against humanity.
When we set our intentions as individuals for global peace it is powerful. And when we set our intentions as individuals and link our consciousness with other individuals intending world peace, it is powerful beyond measure.
How many individuals does it take? Scientific studies show us that 7,000 people at a time meditated to turn the tide of global events and outcomes.
Mass meditations have been scientifically correlated with the cessation of war between Iran and Iraq, a 70% decrease in violence on the streets of Washington D.C. an end to the arms race between Russia and the U.S.
If the spiritual journey that is occurring in every breath is the least common thing you talk about then take hold of the conversation and make it soulful, make it pointed in the direction of the world you want. Make it the future. Make it so.
Embracing the bad news version of all that is going on in our beautiful world and overwriting it, dissolving it with what you can summon and consciously decide, embracing humanity in a visionary love- allowing the dawning of your consciousness to shift the field now- to awaken- is the most powerful, revolutionary, bad ass thing you can do and it is the most fundamental, radical first step in dreaming our world awake. It is the action that precedes all other actions. There is an unprecedented power in compassion, in love, in choosing.
Let’s magnify this frequency now.
