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Thoughts On Creative Genius, Music, God, Naia and Wanting


Updated: Jan 19

I want to wake up in a world where societal structures have re-formed out of the quiet dawning consciousness. 

I rise most mornings pre light, pre-dawn and aim for pure presence and the next conversation with god. 

We are practiced at what we practice. Everywhere in society our attention is being called away from pure presence. Except that, when I tune myself to the sustaining of aligned presence, everywhere my attention is I meet evidence of my focused intention.  

My mother died on a Thursday and the next day ReBelle was scheduled to perform at a beautiful new venue in Amherst MA. Manou assumed I’d want to postpone the concert. “Why would we do that? This death portal that has made itself known to us is the same field of consciousness as the muse who makes herself known when we sing.”  

Intersection is enlightening. Life, death, muse, love, connection, aliveness.

My youngest daughter will tell you, when I’m driving from here to there, music music-ing through the vehicle’s sound system, I won’t hesitate to pull into a parking lot anywhere, roll down all the car windows, turn the volume up to 100, jump out the car and dance. She’d jump out too. 

Interrupt the lane, the lot, the linear with the unexpected boogie woogie, djun djun exaltation. 

That parking lot dance is the same reason we’re transforming our home into an arts sanctuary- to live fully immersed in artistic, leading-edge revelation. To wake up each day in a world within worlds that models a societal structure re-formed out of the quiet and exhilaration of dawning consciousness. 

A study attributed to NASA and conducted by researchers Dr. George Land and Beth Jarman found that 98% of 1,600-, 4- and 5-year-olds were found to be creative geniuses. The same study found only 2% of adults tested were found to be creative geniuses. 

Zora Neale Hurston writes that creativity is the blending of lived experience with imagination, turning the mundane into the extraordinary through storytelling and art.

The Land and Jarman study defines creative genius primarily in terms of divergent thinking: the ability to see multiple possibilities, solutions, and approaches to a problem. This kind of creativity is expansive, imaginative, unbounded—qualities naturally supported and enriched by music.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi teaches that creative genius emerges when someone achieves a "flow state"—a harmonious state of mind where high challenge meets high skill. Music is a potent trigger for this state.

Albert Einstein writes, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.”

To live fully immersed in artistic leading-edge revelation and intersect this scintillating aliveness in connection with others – revel in new emotions, feelings we have no words for yet, increasing greater intelligence, calling forward the best in ourselves and each other, living in conscious concert with the divine orchestra of creation, is the leading edge of new societal structures. 

Our sanctuary, Acoustic Earth, is architected in the fashion of innovation and visionary love. 

Our guiding vision?

Love for Humanity and Love for Gaia. 

Our guiding mantra?

We need each other.

I am changed through gathering with humans who congregate with intention. We lead gatherings, stirring unifying vision and elevated states of love and connection. I am practiced at solving problems by sourcing solutions at the fields beyond – where the pre-dawn quiet supports awareness of and receptivity to unseen intelligences and allies. And the body. Sourcing great intelligence within the body- where stories dwell in blood and bones, where light lights up the mind, and our InnerVerses reveal stories that create futures.

Societal and corporate systems need these motions and movements unleashing creative genius: Require the moral precision resounding in the quiet and beauty of dawning skies.

I want to wake up in a world where music and art is centered at the center.


Music Stimulates Neural Plasticity: Learning and playing musical instruments rewires the brain, enhancing connectivity between different regions. This rewiring supports divergent thinking.

Music Encourages Improvisation: Improvisation in music demands on-the-spot problem-solving and free-flowing creativity, directly fostering the traits of a creative genius.

Music Invites Collaboration: Collaborative music-making (like jamming) mirrors the kind of team-oriented creativity needed in other fields, blending multiple ideas and viewpoints.

Music Engages Emotions: Music’s emotional depth breaks down cognitive rigidity, allowing adults to reconnect with their intuitive, childlike creativity.

Music Cultivates Flow States: Music encourages "flow"—a mental state of heightened focus and creativity. This state can be transformative in unlocking creative potential.

Today is my first born’s birthday. As I write, she is plucking the strings of life and composing formidable arrangements: Dojo; Devotion; Naia’s Angels.

Naia was born at home, in a candlelit room, with our midwives quietly attending. At 26, I was consumed in awe of this miraculous; how warm and wet as all flowed open; open hearts, my opening yoni, bed sheets (never time to make them, again), expanding friendships, expanding hopes. Birth became everything, restored the moment; a perfect hatha union. 

In pregnancy, as Naia made her way in me, I breathed into the new life we were becoming. In the bedroom where we labored, was a 24-inch bowl, filled with sand, and in it were planted 23 red candles from 23 friends who had all offered their light to this birth. The candles appeared to burn as one. Anxious about what pain might be like in birth, and even so, I felt commanded by life to give over to this. Fire was the only light in the room, until the hours passed. As Dec. 21 became Dec. 22, the light of full moon shimmered about us, too. 

Naia is practiced at traveling through the spaces between, where the darkest day becomes the new light. Naia arrives in the light.  She is our solstice child. 

Naia is music. Everything about and within, through and surrounding her sings. 

Life is a stage. We are on stages and more stages within the stage of life as ReBelle, alongside our creative collaborators, stirring revolution of love into molecules and mitochondria. Acoustic Earth is a stage, a place for artists, community and unifying vision. Life is a stage. 

Life is a cosm.

In celebration of Naia’s birthday, we invite you to the discovery of her creative genius. She is a prolific composer. She hears the muse in the dawning consciousness. She calls us forward to the re-forming of our existing world to a world where any child can walk from any place in the world to any other place in the world and be safe, welcomed and celebrated. She does all this and more and serves lyrically intelligent, melodically beautiful and rhythmically fierce music. So, go to this link: and get your copy of her latest release, “Devotion”. 

I want to wake up in a world where “Devotion” is centered at the center and where young artists like Naia are supported to make magic, and retreats like Acoustic Earth are architected, grown, increased out of the generosity of dawning hearts and unifying vision. 

What do you want? Your creative genius is alive in your wanting. For a long time, I had a really hard time admitting my wanting. Naia changed that in me. She called me forward to my wanting. Your wanting is sacred. So, what do you want? Whatever it is, it contains the seeds of a new world, sparks of creative genius and the momentum of dawning consciousness to make it so.  

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