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The Dream That Healed Me (Part 2 of 3)

Writer's picture: Kalpana DeviKalpana Devi

A Story in 3 Parts

I am a dreamer.

Every night I dream.

I dream in different languages that I don’t know how to speak when I’m

not sleeping, but that sounds fluent and cogent when I’m dreaming. I

dream music. I dream masters and healers. I am told important things. I

dream celebrities.

I dream events and then awaken to the events coming true.

I had a dream.

In it, I was a daughter of a father who had immense political and social

power, in another time; another place.

Our home was a castle, and I had several older siblings, both brothers

and sisters.

In the dream, I was in our home, in a room where dining took place and

there was a long, rectangular table, made of richly, dark wood and

stately. My father was preparing for a ceremony that would precede the

meal my siblings and I were to assemble for with him, and he asked me

to facilitate a portion of the observance.

As the youngest sibling, I was surprised because this rite was always

reserved for an older family member. I felt elated, and anticipated this

privilege bestowed upon me.

My father motioned me to sit at the end of the long, ornate table. It was a

regal position directly across from where he sat. I’d never been assigned

such rank among my siblings. This seat came with some significance. I

took my place opposite my father, who was the head of our family and

in charge.

My brothers and sisters all assembled, with familiar attitudes, and

collected themselves along the longest edges of the table. Our father

commenced dedication and began speaking.

Within seconds, a dream flash, that portion of our observance was over,

short and disconnected, and I had not presented anything I was asked to.

What my father had facilitated, was not even all the measure of sacred

I’d expected.

My older siblings got up from the table, casually, as the assemblage of

us all was disbanding. I watched it all taking place through my dream

eye and from where I sat in the dream, feeling confused and


I was the youngest, and a daughter, and it was a rare request for my

participation that seemed to surpass the moment, and even surpass our

fulfillment as a family.

My mood meandered toward insecurity. I became doubtful of any

significance I might have acquired, in the request of the formality,

among my family members, and within our family constellation.

I got up from my chair, walked through a very wide doorway and found

myself standing outside on a stone balcony, overlooking hundreds of

acres belonging to my father.

The lands were full of life and bursting with green, teeming with

pastures and lush clusters of trees. Around the pastures, it was forested.

The air was animated with a palpable and sensuous, organic energy. It

was all so real.

I took it all in, in a convincing dream moment, and then I turned around.

I was surprised to see my father had joined me on the balcony. This was

not usual. We did not often inhabit moments together.

Because the palace was dark inside, this was the first time in the dream

that I got a clear look at his face.

My father’s face was luminous and handsome. His eyes were the

deepest, darkest blue I’d ever seen. They were truly almost black, except

for a mystical blue shimmer. His skin was healthy and glowing, light-

filled, yet darkened in olive tones. He had black, thick hair at a medium

length that was relaxed and contrasted the coloring of his eyes and skin


It was a welcome surprise that he had joined me on the veranda and that

he continued his presence there.

We occupied our orb of silence.

He gestured to the fields, past the trees, far beyond the line of sight from

where we stood at the look-out. He mentioned the troops gathered there

to fight. I didn’t see any, but we both knew they were there.

Motioning his hands toward the fields beyond, my father said

sorrowfully, “I will never be able to conquer that.”

I looked in the direction he was gesturing to, over the fields. Then, I

looked to him.

Through my father’s blue, black eyes, I stared deeply, into his resonant

soul. There was something exceptional, even rare, about him.

There was a war taking place within my father and a sadness in him,

igniting his resolve at something. Something stirring in him compelled

him to be on that balcony with me.

A voice filled my whole body. Music too filled me, a mystic cantor’s


Divining something.

As words arose in me, everything in me lifted, everything in me gained


I heard the words from my soul say to my dream father,

“Yes you will.

You will conquer this.

You and God will”.

Celestial at-one-ment. An imbibing of divine commencement.

I felt miraculously aligned as Greater Intelligence offered words of

encouragement through me toward my dream father.

I knew what potential there was. I knew it in my own being. And, I

knew what potential was in him, my dream father.

I knew what it was to meet one’s promise and become it.

My dream father opened his arms and enveloped me in them. I was

filled to be near him. He held me in warmth and security, rid of all

armor. The love there amidst us, grew our hearts to overflowing.

I couldn’t have scripted what came next, and yet I dreamt it.

I was being dreamt.

He whispered in my ear and all my worlds changed.

“I know I’ve never told you this”, he said,

“but you have always been my favorite.”

Warm fire.

My spine.

The magnitude there.

Drop the anchor.


Eternal quiet,

Grew to infinity.

I changed.

In a measure of everlasting.

It didn’t matter why I sought the love and bonding of father. What

mattered was I had arrived in fulfillment of it. Of a love, that was now

assigned the never-ending of my soul.

I knew he loved me, and so I knew a love I had never known. My whole

body, my whole being now assumed a welcome weight of eternal


All of life breathed in rhyme. All worlds turned a harmonic, lyrical orbit,

and I woke up.

I woke up.

I lay in bed next to Manou and was renewed in the love of father. I had

never known. I was pulsing with karmic relief. I could taste, more than

taste the dream. I was embodied in all ages of myself with the love of


In my awake state, it was living out loud in my body, my lungs and

heart, my bones and brain. My hands. Cosmic countenance. Everything

in me changed.

I turned to Manou and said, “I know what it feels like to be loved by a

father. I had a dream of my father of somewhere. He was really here. My

father loves me. My father of somewhere loves me.”

It was a miraculous change in state. I’d gone to bed the night before,

and was the version of myself who experienced continual anxiety, and a

hindering self-consciousness that grew in some large part from an

experience of rage and violence that lived through my father of origin,

my father here on earth.

I’d been working through rage my whole life.

The notion that I could go to sleep, have a dream and wake up

completely changed, was not anything I’d ever imagined possible.

That night I’d gone to sleep and in a dream been visited by the most

inexplicable love of a father, whom I’d never seen before and yet, who

was entirely familiar and present.

I didn’t reject his love.

That dream actuated some mythical gateway to tenderness. To

empowerment. It continued its extraordinary course, in the days that


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