If you want to grow a verdant harvest you have to plant the seeds. So, you choose what seeds you’re going to plant.
My name, Kalpana Devi, is Sanskrit and means goddess of imagination. My Kingman, Manou, loves to remind me that “Ka” in Ancient Egyptian mythology is spirit. Some say, Ka receives the power of god in humans and resides in the human as the divine spiritual aspect. Ka is also defined as the life force. My guru, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti said that receiving a spiritual name was significant because it becomes a focal point. Every day I hear my name. Family, friends, my youngest daughter call me Kalpana (my husband calls me Empress) and it activates in me a remembrance and becoming. My name is like a seed that has been planted. When my name is called, the seed grows. I have studied the etymology of my name and have come to embody its meaning as, “the mind of god”. That’s what the imagination is, the mind of god. And, that’s the harvest in the seed planting of my name. It’s as though, those who say my name are urging me to my greatest becoming, the mind of god.
We are all superconscious, with the potential to activate our creation minds and create our futures, not from a problem-solving point of focus, but from our inheritance of creation consciousness. Our god mind. Our imagination.
Imagine a harmonic convergence of new and exhilarating thoughts and feelings as you experience conscious unfoldment, revelation, and creation. Imagine you see change, breakthroughs and healing in the areas of your life you are most wanting transformation. Stay in the imagining for a moment, and be allowing of whatever arises in you as you reflect.
What did you feel? Elevated emotion is key to bringing in what you want in your life. It’s not enough to visualize it. It's necessary to feel it.
In ancient cultures elevated emotion is depicted with movement and is depicted as the feminine energy, and in some cultures, as women drumming.
The brain is a polarity organ. When you look to thought, to your head to solve a problem, it will grapple with duality – right wrong, dark light, yes no, and so on.
Heart intelligence is steadfast. Your heart will always tell you what is best for you and the greatest good.
With affirmations there’s a huge difference between working toward the outcome and beginning with what you want.
Beginning with an elevated emotion is the invitation for what you want to come into your life, into this world.
Human beings are notorious for making up ridiculous beliefs about everything and then setting in motion the outcomes of those beliefs: war, poverty, racism, misogyny, climate upheaval, gun violence, sex trafficking and on and on and on. It may seem those beliefs begin as dire distortions about another, but they really begin with betrayal against the self. Hatred and loathing against the self.
Experience augments the circuits of your brain, laying down networks of neurons, and the moment those neurons sequence into place the brain makes a chemical called a feeling. The moment you feel abundant, unlimited or grateful for some future experience, you’re teaching your body chemically to understand what your mind already understands. Knowledge is for the mind. Experience is for the body. In that moment of elevated emotion, you are embodying the truth of your future self. In that moment you are aligned to your new destiny.
Giving yourself time, even 10 minutes, to hold a focus daily means that you’ll be architecting your life in cooperation with the field of infinite potentialities. Your vision of your future is your destiny.
And so what if we developed new habits all tailored to the experience of architecting the grandest version of the greatest vision we ever had for ourselves and our planet?
Today there is suffering and grief in every nation on Earth. Wars are ongoing in Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Burma Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kenya, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo, Benin, Niger, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Chad, Tunisia, Algeria, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, Ukraine, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Iraq, Mexico, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the Mexican drug war and many more crisis’s, conflicts, insurgencies, skirmishes and clashes including the Israel Palestine conflict, the Casamance conflict, the Jamaican Political Conflict, the South Thailand Insurgency, the Moro conflict in the Philippines, and the Bangladesh drug war. Here in the United States just last year in 2022 there were over 18,000 murders by guns.
Say their names. Say the names of our nation's neighbors. Say their names and plant seeds of our emergent becoming.
Harnessing focus upon your personal transformation, who you are becoming, leads to planetary transmutation. Unifying consciousness begins with you.
Everyday people, unifying consciousness. Planting seeds for a new world. Evolving self, humanity and Gaia.