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Love for Humanity - The Children

Writer's picture: Kalpana DeviKalpana Devi

These days, my family’s kitchen conversations are indicators of anxiety, anger and resistance to the Hamas-Israeli war. We are trying to understand.

We go at it at the dinner table, or in the mornings where we are each prepping for our day- smoothies, lemon water made with our deep, artesian well water and fresh lemons, coffee with vegan creamer or tea with manuka honey, eggs for grandma, and I am always washing the dishes and wiping the surfaces while we construct our monument to peace out of our discourse that aspires to dream a new world awake.

These days we talk of nothing but the war. These days we talk of nothing but the new world we dream.

“Beloved, are you and your family ok?” I wrote my beautiful friend who was born in Israel and lives in Jerusalem. Her son is on the northern border and she doesn’t know where, or when she’ll see him again. She writes me back 5 paragraphs and says she is distraught and deeply traumatized. She says she has some sense of physical safety, for now, but she and everyone she knows knows someone who has been killed, massacred, wounded, kidnapped, is running or is fighting.

I just texted my friend, Amjad, who was born in Palestine and now lives in Chicago. His family left the West Bank during the First Intifada. His mother and father walked to Jordan while she was pregnant with Amjad. He wrote me back right away saying, “God bless you” and hoping that all our people will “come to their senses”.

My heart breaks.

One president or head of government won’t be the reason why any of us will be here, inhabiting the planet in 100 years or more. It will be because of the multitudes upon multitudes of lovers and small movement leaders, parents and SoulSeeds, artists and mystics, teachers and activists who are committing to evolutionary change. It will be because of the people whose hearts are revealed in an immeasurable overflow. Great humans everywhere, unrecognized, are sustaining love through unprecedented and unthinkable fire, catastrophe, the trauma, the psychopathy, the grave and dire and unforgivable insults of war. Of all wars.

Dreaming our world awake is why we came. It’s why we were born. It is the central role of all humanity, a thing of urgency. It is the leading substance of all things to come.

I’m trying to get smarter.

I’m home today trying to reconcile the world, my focus on the world and my responsibility.

I’m currently studying the history of Palestine and Israel, of its clashes and wars, to try to understand what’s really going on and not just what the news media is telling us. My friend John pops up on my text thread and I tell him as much. He replies, “Yeah. But which version. Which version of history are you studying?” So, I tell him. “Amnesty international. Got any suggestions?” He hasn’t replied back. Yet.

I think of the Palestinian and Israeli children who might like to lay on their bellies and marvel at the tiny creatures of creation- curious about hardworking, little ants who carry the weight of their world, as the children do carry the weight of war, the insurmountable, impossibly wounding weight of war, as missiles assault and decimate innocence and safety, dignity and the right to belong. The right to live. Really, the right to belong of the whole human race. And to live. Because this war is big and it’s a grave warning.

War is everywhere. Peace is also everywhere.

I think in some ways, Love for Humanity begins with Gaia, because it’s where we all live. Together. Like it or not.

Love doesn’t depend on like. Like is more pointed and exacting. Love is expanded and committed.

I think of all the children of humanity, this time, lying on their backs in the grass, or on the sands, or over a smooth mountain rock, or the cool and moist dirt and the abiding comfort of Gaia risen beneath each of them, supporting their not-yet-fully grown, precious bodies. Some are giggling, some laughing, some are breathing deep, some shallow, some are whispering or talking. But each one, each 1.9 billion children are all doing what we once did. They are looking up and reveling at the illimitable expanse of god’s natural world. Of the infinite sky. Where the one sun and the one moon manage to occupy peacefully and dutifully and lovingly without fail, and without warring. It is our sky. It is where all future generations will look up from this incredible, blue planet.

Dreaming our world awake is a matter of urgency. It’s a matter of conscious thought. It’s not a bypass for inspired action. It’s not a bypass for engaging solutions and Love for Humanity. It’s what comes before action. It’s its own action. It begins now. It endures now. It’s what we came for. It’s the simplest undertaking, that proves to be very difficult. It’s our reclamation. Our reclamation of focus. Of our own minds and hearts. The synergy of these. It’s lobbying the quantum field.

There’s 7 billion of us. There are many less heads of corporations, politicians, nation leaders, militia and decision makers stirring chaos, ego and corruption, initiating sacrificial violence on a dehumanized group of people. And yet, here we be. As Charles Eisenstein writes, “This force swells in times of social stress as in an economic crisis, famine, plague, or political upheaval. Then elite powers can hijack it toward fascistic ends.”

There’s more people in numbers than elite powers. Do the things you know to do to resist, mitigate, dissolve, protest, fight against and fight for. And also, awaken. Every day, all day long, in every breath, in all the ordinary, in the trauma, in the confusion, in the heroic, in the absurdity, disappointment, rage and hope, dream our world awake. Start with the destination of that dream, as if it is already so. Like this -

A collective incantation for dreaming our world awake:

Today the Earth orbits in revolution of love around the sun. Thank you Power of Creation. Thank you Light of the Universe for human ascension and the brilliance in our human family that we have reoriented our relationship to Earth, all life upon Her and to one another. Thank you for our Earth is sustaining the just right natural balance for all of life to thrive. Thank you for all human conflict and colliding cycles of distress have been restored to a compelling generosity of spirit among all humankind. Thank you for the sharing of all resources, land, food, water, medicine and dwellings among humanity, and thank you that these resources are plentiful and regenerating. Thank you for an enchanting alignment with action on purpose, and love in action. Divine Love of Creation, thank you for illimitable Light restoring Earth and life upon Earth to an age of Infinity,where peace and pervading bliss flow riverly through veins, rivulets of all life, and Earth’s communities are restored to scintillating cultural advancement. Thank you for global communities of humans who feel, forgive, create, connect; for sensuous, sensory fulfillment, celebrations, and human insight and inner vision transcending all limiting beliefs. Thank you for this epoch of awakening on Earth. Thank you Satsang of Divinities for the invitation to truth and for all Souls of Earth awakening. And so it is. Now. For the benefit of all. Sealed in trust and faith.

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